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LiveSync for Palm

Multiple applications and the desktop PC to synchronize a Palm application.


Multiple Desktop PC applications "in sync with a Palm application."
runterload.de Editor: Multiple Desktop PC applications by LiveSync a Palm application to synchronize!

LiveSync for (stagnation four Palm PIM that helps synchronize Palm Personal Information Management) applications, Contacts (Address Book), Calendar (Date Book), Tasks (Todo List) and Notes (Memo Pad), multiple desktop applications, such Palm Desktop, Outlook and more.

During the HotSync process Pipe LiveSync manage other Palm has been working as a HotSync agent.

At least for installation may be required to select the first LiveSync the applications you want, as well as customize the HotSync modes synchronize synchronize, PC Palm, Palm PC, or just nothing. After the HotSync process, LiveSync synchronized with a desktop PC Palm managed by the opening of channels causes.

Palm Desktop running on Windows operating system LiveSync is based, therefore compatible with ALL Palm devices compatible with the Palm Desktop operating system. You can download free LiveSync Palm 1.3 now.

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